Living a New Story

Humans are meant to live in community.

Community matters. All humans have a deep, intrinsic need for connection, not just on a personal level (the level of immediate family) but also the sense of belonging to a community, a tribe. And this is precisely what our modern culture fails to give us. It is the reason why people can have deep, fulfilling intimate relationships and still feel lonely, like something is missing. As important as it is, family isn’t enough. We need community too.

We also need to be empowered to step into our full potential, not just as human beings but as the unique and gifted individuals that we truly are. We all need people around us who will see our gifts and help us to bring them to the world, because in these challenging times, the world needs our gifts if we are to create a better future for the children yet to come.

And more than anything in our modern age of destruction, we need to relearn how to live in a way that supports the thriving of the entire web of life - not just ourselves and other humans. Human supremacy has led to the planet’s 5th mass extinction, and is driving the collapse of entire ecosystems, just as it is driving our modern society to collapse as well. Our children only have a future if we begin to live in a way that honors all living beings, as equally valuable and equally deserving of life, liberty, and happiness.

This is what Earthkin is all about.

Earthkin Collective is a community-building project that is rethinking our modern worldview and way of life, and relearning how to live in intimate relationship with each other and the natural world around us, as our ancestors once did.

This collaborative project seeks to help aspiring community-builders and those already living in community rise to the challenges facing us in this modern time: to reconnect what is deeply disconnected, to care for each other instead of feeling alone, and to treat all beings and the land itself as the sacred essences they truly are. Together, we can show a path forward for humanity, towards a way of life where all beings can thrive.

Our Mission

Find out about our vision for modeling a new way of living for humanity, in deeper relationship with each other, the land, and the entire web of life.

Take Action

Ready to join this movement? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.